sasha press
Chasing Lazarus

Chasing Lazarus is Rick Lawton's new novel. Chasing Lazarus is a mystery which takes place in San Francisco.

What do a willowy travel writer, a rich investment consultant, and the assassin for an international terrorist organization have in common? They are all chasing Wiley Brooks, a mysterious drug dealer, who just happens to be an ex-CIA officer. Is Wiley interested in more than a drug deal? Read Chasing Lazarus and find out.

If you want to buy the entire page-turning novel you can buy the print version on Amazon here. If you want to sample more of Chasing Lazarus, you will be able to read more at Smashwords here or visit the Diesel eBook Store.

In addition, Chasing Lazarus is available at most bookstores.


Copyright Sasha Press 2014


Chasing Lazarus
Chasing Lazarus